Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Waking Sleeping Beauty (2009)

Intriguing documentary detailing the Renaissance of Disney and it's animation department during the late eighties and early nineties. Three things in particular stood out to me. First, the rise and fall of one of the standard Hollywood genres. Animation was thought to be dead and the target audience that the studios aim for in particular did not go see animation. So to see the genre rise again not only is a testament to the work achieved by those who helped revive it but it also shows just how fickle audiences are. Second, the traditional clash between guards old and new. The old line Disney animators were so reluctant to let go and do different things and it seems that this is always the way, the young breed just pushes until the walls come down. The final, rather exceptional point in the documentary is the tremendous clash of egos that helped to rebuild the animation giant and how that same behemoth reared it's ugly head in tearing the team apart. This theme can be played out in just about any power struggle Hollywood has ever seen, but it is still amazing to see that people don't learn and that greed and envy are eternal. Like I said, interesting documentary, nothing spectacular.

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