Sunday, May 15, 2011

Catfish (Schulman and Joost, 2010)

This documentary had me absolutely speechless at certain moments and at others completely thrown off regarding what was coming next. To me there are two rather significant points that make this documentary extremely important. First is the use and display of the Internet as a device that drives the narrative of the documentary and helps to style the film. From the second the film starts we know that the film deals with the Internet in a way that most films do not. Sites such as YouTube, Facebook and google Earth have become ubiquitous parts of our daily lives and now our cinema is reflecting just that in using those entities within the structure of a film. Secondly is the message the narrative is giving. Without giving much away, Angela is at times creepy, someone to be viewed with skepticism and doubt. At other times she is someone to feel sorry for and to pity as her sad existence requires such large fantasy in order to cope with her daily life. It speaks a lot that her online life has become such a large entity and I feel it ties in perfectly to the Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) line from The Social Network (Fincher, 2010) regarding how we are going to live our lines online in the future. Well that future is now.
The two Schulman Brothers and Joost have a remarkable handle on filmmaking and capturing the essence of the digital world in which we live. I look forward to what they do in the future.

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