Friday, December 21, 2012

IN THE LAND OF BLOOD AND HONEY (Angelina Jolie, Film District, 2011)

I'm not sure which impressed me more; the quality of film that IN THE LAND OF BLOOD AND HONEY (Angelina Jolie, Film District, 2011) is or that Jolie wrote AND directed the film, both firsts for her. I was blown away by how good this film was narratively. Utterly compelling the film breaks your heart again and again. From vivid depictions of war atrocities to a doomed love affair this film holds nothing back. The thing is, as a viewer you know it can't end well for Ajla (Zana Marjonovic) and Danijel (Goran Kostic). Yet while watching you find yourself hopelessly pulling for the them to somehow find a way out of their hellish situation. While this is going on you have the backdrop of war criminality and while pulling for Ajla and Danijel I found myself wondering how it is that we as humans keep visiting such horror on each other. How many genocidal wars must we have? And this is what is so impressive about Jolie's work here. She wrote the script, balancing two connected yet disparate narrative threads. She deftly balances romantic elements with vicious criminality. And in the most important part of the story she doesn't back down. What Danijel does to Ajla at the films end is necessary and the only realistic conclusion to the doomed lovers fate. Jolie brazenly doesn't back down and for that she deserves great credit. Her directing is also impressive simply on scope of a first time filmmaker. There are scattered moments that are off but they are few and far between and really barely seen. Seen throughout the entire film is two great performances by Marjonovic and Kostic. Both of these actors provide deeply nuanced performances. They alternate constantly between tender moments of love while dealing with fear, horror, rage, animosity and sheer terror. Particularly Marjonovic as she balances her character between her love of Danijel and the humiliation her and her people are enduring at the hands of the Serbian forces. The film is difficult to watch at times due to some pretty ghastly scenes but the story is powerful enough and the work of all of those mentioned strong enough to get one through that. I highly recommend this film and really liked it personally.

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