Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TO BE OR NOT TO BE (Ernst Lubitsch, UA, 1942)

In our contemporary society due to political correctness and a continual dumbing down of our comedy, scathing satire and intelligent humor have become relics of an older age. Today's audiences have films such as The Hangover Part 2 (Todd Phillips, Warner Bros., 2011) to hang their comedic hat upon. Good films such as Bridesmaids (Paul Feig, Relativity Media, 2011) are often a surprise but then they turn into over marketed hype machines. If you want to see scathing satire, intelligent humor and marvelous acting go back and watch a film such as To Be or Not to Be (Ernst Lubitsch, United Artists, 1942) and you will see that the comedy genre is just not what it once was.

This film is filled with some supremely timed comic moments. It's writing is top drawer, filled with comedy but also skewering Nazi Germany and the profession of acting at the same time. The performers are all extremely talented as actors and the films stars are amazing. Carole Lombard proves why she was the highest paid star in Hollywood at the time and Jack Benny is simply great. And what about the great Ernst Lubitsch? Often overlooked, Lubitsch always imbued his films with style and grace, elegance and class. The "Lubitsch touch" is on display throughout this entire film. I recommend watching this film to anyone, it is that good!

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